Sunday, 31 May 2015

Self-care tips for Asthma patients: Jalan Healthcare

Diabetes, the word normally refers to diabetes mellitus(DM) is a disease that leads to high blood glucose level. There is a different type of diabetes called as diabetes insipidus. Causes of DM could be inadequate production of insulin or inability of body’s cells to respond to insulin, or both. But about one third of people affected by the disease are not even aware about it and the ones who are aware of it are many a times surrounded by several myths linked to it.
Jalan Healthcare annuls some common myths related to diabetes:
Myth #1:  Excessive intake of sugar leads to diabetes
Though it’s a lesser known fact but Sugar is not responsible for diabetes. However one needs to care that one does not consume too many foods with high glycaemic index(GI).There are 2 types of diabetes and hence 2 reasons associated with each type. Type 1 diabetes occurs when the pancreas completely stops making any insulin, a hormone that helps the body to use glucose (sugar) found in foods for energy. There could also be environmental factors, viruses or genetics responsible for it.
Type 2 diabetes is caused when body doesn’t produce enough insulin and/or is unable to use insulin properly. Though evident among people over 40 years of age, overweight individuals or people with a family history of diabetes, it’s now witnessed in younger people too.
Myth #2:  Diabetics need to eat food that’s different from others
Diet restriction is not necessary for people with diabetes. Instead, they could follow the same eating guidelines and opt for foods that are higher in nutrients, and offer an appropriate amount of calories. Healthy eating is always advisable to stay fit and keep diseases at bay! The best diabetic diet is to break down the meal in smaller sizes so that the limited amount of insulin is sufficient to handle the glucose intake and eat foods with lower GI

Myth #3:  Diabetes prohibits active lifestyle.
This is so not true. Many long-term studies showcase the positive impact that regular physical activity has on bringing down the glucose level. Yet, prior to initiating any fitness program it’s essential to get the approval of the doctor to ensure that you are treading on the right path. Once you initiate the program, you yourself would find it easy to be active and healthy being active and healthy even during diabetes. Also, in case you have
any complications, such as heart disease, retinopathy (eye disease) or neuropathy (pain or loss of sensation in your feet) the doctor would aptly advice as to which exercises are best for you as well as the tests that you need to undergo for ensuring which exercises are safe for you. Walking and yoga are great!

Myth #4:   Insulin injection is painful

Insulin injections do not hurt. All that’s required is to practice good injection technique and you wouldn’t end up experiencing any pain. If you use an insulin pen and experience discomfort, ask your provider or diabetes educator about using shorter as well as thinner pen needles.  These would aid in minimizing the discomfort.

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