Friday, 15 May 2015

Dealing with Insomnia

Insomnia, the inability to sleep satisfactorily or to have any sleep at all, is one of the most common sleep disorders. It is characterized by restlessness, sleep interruptions, decreased sleeping time than the usual, or sometimes complete wakefulness. There are a number of factors that might push a person into the pit of insomnia.

Experts say that a pessimistic outlook on life can significantly increase the risk of experiencing insomnia. People who focus on the positive aspects of life tend to sleep better and experience better health in general. So, just by changing your thoughts you can get rid of insomnia gradually. If worries and anxieties are keeping you awake, talking to someone or writing down your worries can help you in clearing out the chaos in your mind.

Health disorders such as diabetes, heart failure, hyperthyroidism, ulcers, and Parkinson's disease can induce insomnia. Asthma may also be one health problem that makes one prone to insomnia because it causes shortness of breath. Frequent urination, heartburn, and chronic pain from leg cramps, tooth ache, and arthritis can cause insomnia. Psychiatric conditions such as schizophrenia and depression are also possible culprits for insomnia.

Having information on possible causes of insomnia, as well as knowing who may be at risk of suffering this sleeping disorder, makes it possible to avoid or minimize this annoying, and possibly debilitating, condition. ‘Jalan Healthcare clinic in Pune has been successfully dealing in treatment for insomnia. We ensure proper care and work towards restoring the body physiology with the help of homeopathic medication and other therapies.

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