Friday, 27 November 2015

Various type of- Liposuction

Liposuction is that therapy by which the fast from a person’s body is reduced. It is done through incisions made in the body on the respective area. Liposuction is of numerous types, according to the difference in the performing procedure.
The different types are
  1. Traditional liposuction
It is performed when you are on general anesthesia. You won’t feel anything happening to you. Meanwhile you are asleep unconscious incisions would be made in your body, through which cannula would be inserted into the deep fat layer. Through this the fat would be melted and cut. The incisions further will be tied with stitches. But this method is more complex. But it is considered the best because the person is on general anesthesia. So the doctor can treat more areas and with more precision.
  1. Tumescent liposuction
It is considered as the safest and most effective ways of liposuction. The patient is given saline liquid in abundance which consists of lignocaine and adrenaline. This liquid is injected in a patient’s body through small incisions to the targeted areas. With the help of a vacuum pump or syringe the fat is removed. A cannula is passed on the targeted area which makes the fat break easily. it is comparatively lengthy process as general anesthesia is avoided in this procedure. Therefore the saline takes time to affect the body first.
  1. Super wet liposuction
This procedure is best for the people who want simultaneous work in their body. Saline is inserted into the body. General anesthesia is given as the body undergoes not only one treatment but something other a swell.  The procedure takes about one to two hours.
  1. Ultrasound-assisted liposuction.
It is done when the targeted area consists of dense fats. Fats which are difficult to break, it includes areas like upper back, chin, neck, knees etc. therefore ultrasonic energy is used via a cannula to break and liquefy this dense fat. Further after breaking the fat with high pitched sound ways the further procedure is done in traditional way. It takes more time than traditional liposuction but its benefit is that it leaves the skin tight and in a good shape.
  1. Power assisted liposuction.
This is done with the help of a power cannula. The cannula produces rapid variations to lose the fat. This procedure causes less discomfort and is gentler. The doctors in this process remove fat with control and precised motion.

These are some ways of liposuction which you should know about before choosing the perfect method of your liposuction. If you have any query, you must consult Jalan health care. It is one of the bets clinics for liposuction and weight losstherapies. You must ensure that the type of liposuction you have finalized for yourself is safe for you or not. Let Jalan help you with your decision.

1 comment:

  1. Jalan healthcare doctors give me several tips for making my weight normal like - Eat on time, Sleep on time, Add fresh fruits and green leafy vegetables, Drink plenty of water, Sit on your knees for 3-10 minutes after every meal to avoid bulging of stomach.
