Monday, 20 July 2015

Five fat-burning foods

Jalan healthcare
If you are struggling to lose weight, then this blog might provide you with some relief by telling you about some fat burning foods that can ease out your struggle. Our expert team at JalanHealthcare has compiled a list of foods that can help you to burn fat faster. Read on:
Almonds and walnuts: The two dry fruits are very effective in helping you to get rid of the unwanted fat. These are naturally enriched food items that help in breaking up the rigid fat and they also reduce the risk of developing heart disease.
Oats: The high fiber content in oats helps in aiding the process of burning calories because when your body is breaking down fiber-rich foods, it burns a lot of calories. Make sure to avoid instant-oats that are high in sugar contents.
Coffee:  If taken in moderate quantities, coffee can help you in burning fat. A cup of coffee before a work-out session can fill you up with high energy levels. Avoid creamy and high sugar coffee.
Green Tea: This wonder drink is highly recommended for everyone. It has numerous health benefits. From improving the skin to reducing the fat, green tea is the solution for it all.

Omega 3: Increase the intake of foods that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, as they increase your metabolism rate and hence aids in the process of losing weight.  

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